• EKOMER Recycling

    Plastic regrinds and regranulates

    find out more
  • INEOS Compounds

    The European leader in the production of PVC S

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  • EKOVINYL Polyvinyl Chloride

    High-quality suspension and emulsion polyvinyl chloride

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EKOMER in a nutshell:

  • Handel tworzywami sztucznymi Trade in plastics,
  • Granulaty pvc wtryskowe Production and sale of PVC-based granules,
  • Producent granulatów twardych pvc Recycling of plastics,
  • Dystrybucja maszyn do tworzyw sztucznych Distribution of new and used machines for plastic processing.

Plastics are omnipresent in our
daily lives.

You likely have at least one product made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) within your sight right now. This material is completely safe, fully recyclable, and extensively used in the manufacturing of windows, doors, pipes, technical profiles, garden hoses, cables, and even medical items such as blood storage bags.



In our offer, you will find a wide range of granules and PVC S dry blends from one of the leading European producers, INEOS Compounds, as well as high-quality suspension and emulsion PVC.

INEOS Compounds

The European leader in the production of PVC S

EKOVINYL Polyvinyl Chloride

High-quality suspension and emulsion polyvinyl chloride

EKOMER Recycling

Plastic regrinds and regranulates

Plastics tailored
to your needs

Check out our offer!


EKOMER Sp. z o.o.
87-100 Toruń, ul. Lipnowska 21-23

Opening hours: Mon – Fri 8.00 – 16.00

+48 56 658 58 55 office@ekomer.pl